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BIOS Free Download [Torrent]


Updated: Mar 19, 2020

About This Game BIOS comes from the acronym Basic Input Output System. BIOS is a fast pace First Person Shooter. The player needs to complete the different simulated hostile environment the fastest way possible, combining skills and strategy. The Early Access of BIOS, includes 3 games modes: STRIKE (SP) - ANOMALY (SP) - COOP (2-3 Players). It also includes a total of 8 environments and 34 map challenges. BIOS is a fast paced, high octane asynchronous competitive game. Your goal is simple, make it to the end alive and the fastest way possible. The players will develop strategies and refine their skills to make better times and compete in the leaderboards. 7aa9394dea Title: BIOSGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:PIXYULPublisher:PIXYULRelease Date: 13 Dec, 2016 BIOS Free Download [Torrent] I know it is EA, but there is a hell of a lot of work that needs to be done, I find the gameplay boring and the developers claimed this is a racing fps, well I find this misleading as I found nothing to make it a racer, just generic settings, gameplay, and maps to go through that times you when you when you finish, I could just time myslef how long it will take to complete a mission on any other fps mssion campaign then try to beat my own time, and have alot better time with it, some other games already do this, with far better gameplay mechanics/maps. Movement is kinda slowish especailly for a game that is a "racing first person shooter", you have to have patience and remember where all the turrets and a good aim if you want to complete a map in a decent time, but I can not be bothered to do so, since there is no motivation in doing so or satisfaction since the game is dull any how. I'am hoping to get a refund, I was hoping for some fast adrenaline pumping action in short busts, but all I found is a dull hollow generic fps that you will have to have a great amount of patience with.. Fast paced shooter that is nearly impossible to master. I recommend this game to anyone looking for a challenge.. I don't like it. There are no interesting mechanics, it is literally just run and shoot (jump over a barrier sometimes!) where the shooting aspect completely kills any momentum in the racing part of the game.I know! FPS games ARE just running and shooting, but they usually have more to them than this. MAYBE I'm just bad at it, but I really like fast paced FPS games (Q3A, inMomentum etc) and this isn't doing it for me. Will be the first game I get a refund on, I may return to it if it looks drastically different out of Early Access.Yes I am aware that I've not played this much, but maybe there's a reason for that. :^). i'm sad cause i can't run it in my native resolution or even at 720 :(but nice game got the first two levels platinum medals other ones can't cause i felt the game laggy and freezed for 2 sec.that's why i have bad lap. [ i hope developers make a good custom settings in option so i can play it perfectly] *i don't blame the game it's still in " EARLY ACCESS"the game is recommended so far.:) EDIT : it worked with me well at windowed fullscreen mode .. I'll update this review to reflect development of this game.27/7/2015 - Bold idea: arcade speedrunning fps. But devs still haven't even decided which direction to take. The game is very (VERY) shallow experience - you shoot things with red light or humanoid (nothing has AI, they just shoot at you), and press 'sprint' in between. In the end it's a memory game: you run again and again trying to memorise where to shoot.I bought the game because devs go into high risk territory of trying something relatively fresh. I wish it will evolve in something good, but right now it isn't promising and my hopes are very low - devs doesn't seem to have any idea what they are trying to actually do. They should either focus on racing part and take hints from racing games, or focus on actual scoring system and fps mechanics and take hints from fps games. Score-attack shooter sounds better to me than time-attack runner with guns though.Want real high octane shooter with speed? Buy The Club and thank me later. And developers should too.. This game was disapointing. I thought I whould get an FPS game that feels like games like COD but with some story elements and challenges that whould be fun. I was wrong. This is the game: Imagine a chalenge section in a FPS game that is cool but can get boring fast and be really hard, but the main game is going online, shoot people, story mode, loadouts and alot more. Now think of that, but it's only the challenge section, that is all what the game is. The discription of the game is missleading, saying that it is a competitive game is a lie because you can't kill any other players, only bots. But the worst part is that the game feels very rushed and unfinished. The game feels like a bad inde game from xbox live. First you chouse a level, wait for a long loading screen (wich if you alt tab out the game freezes so no twitter for you) then you start the level and run and shoot. But unlike any other FPS game (exsept for games like superhot) you are placed into a narrow map, then you have to run as fast as you can and kill any thing in your way, so it's a point A to point B game. However the more you play, the more you notice that this game feels "fake". When you go on a zombie map, the zombies don't really have any A.I other than to follow you very slowly, and atack you (there's not even an atack animation). The guns look like they where stolen from a moding website, and everything feels like it was eather allready a prop from the unreal engien (witch isn't really a bad thing) or stolen from a website (witch is a bad thing) The levels feel copy and pasted, there is an open area level, a building area, an alien or future place, and a cargo place. Sounds good, well then play them over and over again for (i think) 30 times. So here is every thingno competivitve or casual multiplaybad A.Icheap deathsstolen workonly 2 weaponsbland levelsgame feels like bad DLCgame feels like a featcher from another game, but only that featcherit's $15 ($5 on steam summer sale but still not worth it)frame rate drops (according to the other people)won't help your reflexes because you will be raging all the time (go play super hexagon for better reflexes)no funcrashesscam artistbetter to buy a game from goodwillrefunding game right now( even If I only played 0.2 hours). The game ran very poorly on a 980ti and i5 skylake, dipping to less than 30 frames on the zombie mode which is the second video on the store page.


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